I Will Go Ride – St Louis 2023

The I Will Go Ride USA – May/June 2022. 8 riders, cycling across America raising awareness for the call to say “I Will Go”. We are calling Adventists everywhere to respond to the call to take personal ownership for mission – sharing the love and message of Jesus with the people around us.

Our ride is inspired by the work of Phillip and Frederick Reekie. Both were Christian book-sellers, who rode bicycles thousands of miles through remote parts of Australia during the 1800s selling Christian literature. In the remote New South Wales town of Eugowra, Phillip met Tom Kent, who had just lost his wife, and was left with the care of their eleven children. Tom purchased the book ‘The Great Controversy’, and his life was transformed.

Tom lent that book to his neighbors and five other families, who were also so moved by the book, they and their families received Christ. Each of these families went on to contribute in a significant way to the development of the Adventist Church in Australia and beyond. Over 20,000 lives were changed through that one book – including that of Pastor Anthony Kent and Rob Hansford, 2 of our riders.

I Will Go Riders will come together from across the globe – Australia, America and Vietnam. We will cover over 1000 miles (1600km) from Washington D.C. to the General Conference in St Louis, sharing the love and message of Christ allong with the book “The Great Controversy” with those we meet along the way.

The course will be gruelling, and includes nine full centuries (100 mile/160km rides) over the 15 days. The toughest of these on day 3 with 125 miles and 12,830ft elevation (195km and almost 4000m elevation). We have been in training since 2021 – preparing our bodies and minds for the ride of a lifetime, and the demands of back-to-back endurance riding.

Join us on our journey, and be part of this epic adventure on social media! Follow our interactions with people along the way, and send us a message about yourself and your own gospel mission. Above all please support us with your prayers – in your small group, with freinds, or at your church.

Your encouragement will keep us rolling.. after all, our journey is your journey too – we can all say “I Will Go”