Our riders are traveling across America, providing for their accommodation, jerseys, bibs and food at their own expense. Each has taken leave to on their own time and at significant personal risk.
Various ministries within the church have provided marketing opportunities and awareness around the cause, for which we are truly thankful. We are deeply indebted to everyone for their prayers on our behalf. Please see our Sponsorship page to contribute to the cost of the books that will be shared on the rides.
GC Health Ministries
10000 Toes
South Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists
Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company – Pivio
Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Company – Up & Go
Australian Union Conference
South Queensland Conference
Adventist Review – Film Crew (USA Ride)
GC Ministerial Association
Ministry (Magazine)
North American Division Ministerial Association
North American Division Health Ministries
Adventist Mission
Adventist Review
Adventist World
Streams of Light
Spencerville SDA Church
GC Communication
General Conference Publishing
Pacific Press Publishing
Adventist Media/ Signs Magazine
Adventist HealthCare