The journey back to where it all began..
In May 2024, seven Australian riders will commence a journey from Brisbane to Eugowra. The ride will be completed over seven days, covering 1,150 km, and climbing over 9,000m of elevation.
The I Will Go Rides have been inspired by the work of Phillip and Frederick Reekie. Both were Adventist book-sellers, who rode bicycles thousands of kilometers through remote parts of Australia during the 1890s selling Christian literature.

In the remote New South Wales town of Eugowra, Phillip met Tom Kent, who had just lost his wife and was left with the care of their eleven children. Tom purchased the book “The Great Controversy” and his life was transformed. Tom shared the book with his five farming neighbours who also accepted the Adventist message.
Together, those six families built the first Seventh-day Adventist Church west of the Blue Mountains. It is conservatively estimated that over 20,000 people have given their lives to Jesus through the influences of those families and their descendants.
June 2024 will mark the 120th anniversary since that little Eugowra church was dedicated. To mark the occasion a reunion of the descendants and friends of the six families has been planned for the weekend of 1 June. (For further details of the reunion please join the Facebook Group – Eugowra Home Coming, or contact us).

The seven riders consist of church ministers and laypeople – three of whom are descendants of Tom Kent – Rob Hansford, Anthony Kent and Sam Kent. Along the way the riders will stop and talk with people they meet on their route, sharing a message of hope. They will share Adventist literature, including copies of The Great Controversy, praying it will have a similar influence that it had on Tom Kent 130 years ago.
Each day has an average distance of 160+kms of cycling, which requires them to keep an eye on time, weather and energy levels. On several days, following long days in the saddle, the team will also stop to share stories and a message of hope at evening meetings at various churches along the route.
It is important to note that this ride is a private event and not an official church event, as such the riders have covered their own costs, taking annual leave to participate in the mission.
The ride will be supported by a vehicle at the rear of the group. They will be sharing The Great Controversy, Your Bible and You and a new initiative by the South Pacific Division called Hope VA. Hope VA is a virtual assistant that delivers free Bible studies and health lessons in a conversational format. The lessons have been carefully scripted by Adventist pastors to deliver simple, grace-filled studies that are friendly in tone. Hope VA helps people begin their faith journey online, then gently leads them toward their local church or health team where they can make new friends and continue to grow.
The ride aims to encourage other Christians to look for opportunities to share their faith through activities that are part of their daily routine. We can all say I Will Go.